Reeder 3 App Reviews

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Good but….

Using this app has been a mixed blessing. I was inaiiatlly happy wiith the product, problems have cropped up. The app has become more buggy leading to crashes and repeated requests for assistance have been ignored.

Hasn’t been updated in 6 months. Very Buggy

This app was initially great. The current version has too many bugs expedically with YouTube videos and hasn’t been updated to fix them in 6 MONTHS. Needs to have option to not play flash videos and even use ad blockers.


This is one of my most used apps across all devices. Very well made, simple, intuitive, and good to look at. My only annoyances are: - On iOS, the text doesn’t respond properly when you try to change the font size—the title text changes but the body text stays the same size (too small). - On iOS, the share button doesn’t load the standard share sheet—instead, just a home-made share sheet that only supports some apps. Once those issues are fixed, this app is basically perfect for all your RSS needs.

Truly wonderful update

Thank you so much, Mr Rizzi, for all the hard work and attention to detail you put into this wonderful new version. The UI update is great out of the box (looking forward to playing with the new options). The “Archive” folder in the “All Items” is exactly what I wanted, but probably wouldn’t have been able to articulate it until I played with it today. The “pull to next article” will be *very* nice when I’m reading on my laptop. The updates around browsing make me very happy: private browsing, and the fix to the *only* pet peeve I had: URLs now display when hovering over a link. I’ve been on the Web for a long time, and I need to be able to make decisions (personal opinion, safety) about where I’m going based on the URL. While I’m grateful for the free update, I hope the next major update is a paid (or involves an in-app purchase), so I can contribute in my small way to making sure Reeder lives a long life! I’ll definitely be spreading the word. Again, thanks for making such an easy to use, yet *powerful* app!

Timeless and seamless

It’s polished, professional, and intuitive out of the box. Supports all the sync services you’d want. And version 3 just makes it that much better. Bravo.

Truly Excellent

This is not only the best RSS reader, but one of the best Mac apps ever made. Syncing is extremely fast and always works. Highly responsive multitouch support makes this genuinely fun and fluid. I also use it on my iPhone and iPad, and the experience is pretty seamless across all devices. We need this guy to start teaching other developers how to make world class Mac and iOS software. The one thing I dont find super obvious is how to create folders — it seems this can only be done by editing a subscription — and Im not sure if theres any way to delete a folder. For those things I just use the Feedly app (because I use Feedly as my RSS service). These are minor points, but an area where Reeder could be improved.

Almost Perfect

I love this app, I’ve only had it for about a month and there are only three things that need work: 1. Sometimes when you full screen a video in the in-app browser, the menu bar (apple) flickers at the top of screen 2. Sometimes the app gets stuck in full screen view (green button) and I have to command+q to quit out of it 3. I find that a lot of the time when my computer wakes from sleep the app doesn’t refresh my feed like I have it set in my preferences Another small thing is completely preference, but I wish that the app icon was a bit more aesthetically pleasing. It looks out of place amongst my other apps, but like I said, it is only a preference and I would still completely recommend this app.

The only RSS reader

Reeder has consistently been the most spectacularly designed RSS-etc. client on Mac and iOS, at every update—truly exemplary. You may not like having to pay for the major upgrades, but you damn well get what you pay for.


This app has steadily improved since it came out. Fast, easy to use, and tons of features and service integrations. I’ve never received a bad update; it’s remained stable and usable even while they’ve iterated on the UI and feature set. It’s great!


NetNewsWire を愛用していましたが、こちらは高速で使い勝手も良くサクサク読めてありがたいです。 Google Reader なきあと、Feedly でクラウド同期することで Mac, iOS 共に重複しないで記事が確認できるので重宝しています。 要望としてはスマートフォルダに対応してもらえると嬉しいですね。 共有機能も充実。ただ、日本語サイトで Evernote に送ると文字化けする場合があるのがちょっと残念です。

I want you to support the Pocket

I liked very beautiful design. If you can, I want to read an article in Reeder that was stocked in the Pocket.


一部の可能性もありますが、タイトル通りです。その他は問題はありません。Feedlyで登録すれば解決するのですが、できたらReederでも登録できるようにしてほしいです。Not found.Reeder could not find a feed at the specified location.と出ます。Feedlyでは見つかります。Reederでなんでも登録しようとするのは一旦諦めました。その点で、利便性-1ですね。

= =

Where was the smart folders?

The best

Theres simply no comparing this to the competition. So well made, so fun to use.

BEST RSS Reeder.

I think so, best RSS Reader is this application. ただ、少し値段が高いのが難点ですね。 便利なので買いましたがw

Reeder is the reader

The best reading experience for me. Keyboard only, intuitive, smooth, beautiful.

Don’t hesitate to buy

This is a entirely different league from other software. You may try other software to be sure and finally buy this or buy this at once, and save time. All in all you will end up without 10Euro and with Reeder 3 installed.


I can export local RSS to *.opml file on Reeder 3 for iOS but I can’t import this opml into Reeder 3 for Mac (propmt screen: Reeder cannot open files of this type). Ridiculous.

Don’t save preferences

App don’t save preferences. May be because it was installed beta before, but you should test it better before launch

The best of the best

A must, that’s all.

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